Jacob Kaplan-Moss is one of the lead developers and co-creator of Django. As an experienced software developer with a focus on web application and content management architecture. In 2005 Jacob joined the Lawrence Journal-World, a locally-owned newspaper in Lawrence, Kansas, and helped develop and eventually open source Django. Jacob joined Revolution Systems in 2009.
Grove isn't dead, it's only resting. We've acquired Grove!
Transcript of the REVSYS Office Hours from November 2010
Given at PyCon US 2019 on May 4, 2019
There's one part of building a Django app I hate: setting up handling of assets and media. There are so many moving pieces — static assets, asset compilation and compression, file uploads, storage engines, etc. etc. I can never remember how it all fits together. I wrote this talk for one very selfi…
Given at PyCon Argentina and PyCon Brazil on September 4, 2009
Web development sucks. It’s true: web development, at its worst, is difficult, repetitive, and boring. The tools we have suck. At best, they make web development slightly less painful, but we’re a long way from making web development awesome. The history of web development tools is a history …
Jacob Kaplan-Moss was the guest on Django Chat discussing Django's Evoluation and why he is on the DSF Board again
March 20, 2024
Fortune features Jacob Kaplan-Moss about his work with 18F in Uncle Sam Tries to Hire Hackers.
October 21, 2017
Video of Jacob's talk at Mahalo
February 15, 2011