It's been far too long since I've had time to post on this blog. Time passes at a frightening pace doesn't it? Here two tidbits of info you might be interested in:
- Released a new version of Apache::DB, Apache::DProf, and Apache::SmallProf. The new release fixes a bug where you couldn't use Apache::DProf under taint mode and allows you to specify anywhere on the file system for your dprof info to be dumped. Previously it had to be relative to ServerRoot.
- Gantry, yet another web framework, that I have been helping out with was finally released publically. I helped mostly with Gantry::Conf a configuration abstraction interface. It is essentially DBI for configuration files. Right now it doesn't support everything I would like it to, but the hooks are all there and I plan on fleshing the rest out in the near future.